Business Details

*****Licenced Pizza  & Pasta*****

Listing Summary
Business ID1731
Asking price$280000
Avg. weekly takings$20000

Amazing pizza shop located in high growth are.

* Current takings $20,000 PW

* 5 Days Only

* 95% Pick-up & Deliveries.

* Potential for takings in excess of $30,000 pw

* About 15-20 minutes from Geelong

* Located in Main Street

* Huge growth in the immediate area

* Several New Subdivisions in the area

* Long established business

* State of the art setup / Great equipment

* Cannot be faulted

* Rent $878 pw plus outgoings

* Long lease in place

* Trading 5 nights (5.00 – 8.30)

*Closed Mondays & Tuesdays


For More Information Please Call Masih on 0419 799 992 or 03 5241 4111